
Shriram Life Super Income Plan

Shriram Life Super Income Plan

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Shriram Life Super Income Plan

What is Shriram Life Super Income Plan?

Shriram Life Super Income Plan (UIN:128N087V04) is a non-linked non-participating individual savings life insurance plan that allows policy holders to get insurance as well as generate money.

  • Buy Shriram Life Super Income Plan online in just four simple steps.
  • You can also take loans against this plan.
  • Flexibility in terms of premium payments.
  • Enjoy tax benefits under Shriram Life Super Income Plan.
  • Claim multiple life super income benefits in terms of insurance coverage and riders

Features and Benefits of Shriram Life Super Income Plan


Lifelong Cover

You receive insurance and super income plan benefits till the age of 75 years.


Maturity Sum Assured

You receive a sum assured upon completion of the plan tenure.


Additional Protection

You can extend your protection by opting for riders.


Multiple Premium Payment Terms

You have the option to choose from multiple premium payment terms.


Assured Savings

You receive assured savings for a long period that can extend up to 75 years.


Assured Benefit

Whether the policy holder passes away, survives, surrenders the policy or the policy matures, the policy holder is assured to receive Super Income Plan benefits.

How to Claim for Shriram Life Super Income Plan

You can submit Death Claims, Disability Claims, Cancer Care Claims and Critical Illness Claims for  your Shriram Life Super Income Plan online on our website by following simple steps provided below.

claim life insurance
  • Step 01

    Come to the claim center, select intimate claim Button

  • Step 02

    Choose in the dropdown Request Type - death

  • Step 03

    Fill the details of insurer, death event, details of doctor who declared death (Doctor -Non mandatory)

  • Step 04

    Fill the personal and bank details of claimants and upload the documents

Documents to be uploaded

  • Death certificate issued by Local Body/Municipal Body
  • Nominee bank passbook
  • Postmortem report
  • Claim form B
  • Claim form A
  • Policy Document
  • Hospital Summary/Hospital records
  • Nominee ID proof (ID proof /address Proof)
  • FIR/ Panchnama/ Inquest Report and final investigation report
  • Upload Signature of claimant
  • Copy of driving license if Life Assured was driving the vehicle at the time of accident (applicable if Rider is opted)
  • NEFT mandate form
  • Claims form C and E wherever applicable
After submission, you will be receiving instant notifications and updates regarding the processing status of the claim. Please note that clear document records will ensure quick claim processes. For death claims, we would request you to please reach out to us as soon as possible and initiate the claim process. For processing death claims faster, we request you to please reach out to your nearest Shriram Life Insurance branch.
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Eligibility for Shriram Life Super Income Plan

Age Criteria 25 years to 50 years
Maximum Maturity 75 years
Policy Term 75 years minus age at entry
Premium Paying Term 10 years to 25 years
Premium Mode Yearly, Half-Yearly, Quarterly, Monthly
life insurance coverages

What does Shriram Life Super Income Plan cover?

Shriram Life Super Income Plan is an insurance plus savings plan that not only allows you to secure your loved ones financially in case of unexpected demise but also allows you to generate savings for a long period. Further, even if the insured person survives the policy tenure, he is eligible to receive maturity benefits. In case you want to enhance the protection, you have multiple riders to choose from.

Download Documents for Shriram Life Super Income Plan

All the policy-related documents are easily available online on the website for the comfort and ease of all our customers. You can simply visit our website  Go to the download section on the policy page and download the policy document, brochure and presentation.


Is Shriram Life Super Income Plan good?

The Shriram Life Super Income Plan is designed to provide all the super income benefits that a person can expect from a policy be it death benefits, maturity benefits, income benefits, tax deductions etc. Thus it can be said that it is an all-in-one plan and can also be called a Super Income Money-back Plan.

Can I make alterations to the Shriram Life Super Income Plan once I buy it?

You can make alterations to the Shriram Life Super Income Plan after buying it if you're looking to make the following changes:

  1. Premium payment frequency
  2. Increase the Premium Payment Term

How is the premium calculated in case of payment modes other than the yearly option?

If you are paying a premium under the Shriram Life Super Income Plan in any mode other than yearly, then the premium amount can be calculated using the following table:

Payment Frequency Half-Yearly Quarterly Monthly
Frequency Factor 0.52 0.265 0.09

How do I make monthly payments under the Shriram Life Super Income Plan?

Monthly premiums under the Shriram Life Super Income Plan can be paid through the e-NACH facility only.


What our customer say about us


Shriram life insurance products are worth every penny. I am happy with their service.




Shriram customer service guided me with proper information. They have a friendly customer service.




Shriram has a friendly customer service. They patiently answered all my doubts and helped me choose the policy that will suit my requirements.




I am assocaited with Shriram for two years. They are consistent in their service and have earned my trust.




Shriram life insurance products are worth every penny. I am happy with their service.




Shriram customer service guided me with proper information. They have a friendly customer service.





For more details on risk factors, terms, and conditions please read the sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale.  

*Tax Benefits:  
Tax benefits are as per Income Tax Laws & are subject to change from time to time. Please consult your Tax advisor for details.  
You are eligible for Income Tax benefits/exemptions as per the applicable income tax laws in India, which are subject to change from time to time.

IRDAI Regn No: 128  
CIN No : U66010TG2005PLC045616 of the Company

The Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Shriram Value Services Limited (“SVS”) and used by Shriram Life Insurance Company Limited under a License agreement.”


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