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What Coverage are offered in Shriram Life Assured Income Plan?
Shriram Life Assured Income Plan will help you make minimum term savings and receive maximum benefits. The following covers are offered under Shriram Life Assured Income Plan:
Death Cover
In case of death of the life assured during the policy term, provided all the due premiums till the date of death have been paid, Death Sum Assured will be paid.
Death Sum Assured i.e. Sum assured payable on death is defined as highest of - For Policy term 8: 8 times Annualised Premium For Policy term 10 & above: 10 times Annualised Premium if age is less than 45 years & 7 times annualised premium if age is 45 years and above 105% of Total Premiums Paid till the date of death
Maturity Sum Assured (which is defined as Discount Factor * Assured Income)
Assured Income is defined as Assured Income factor * Annualised premium
Maturity Cover
In case of survival of the life assured up to the end of the policy term and receipt of all the due premiums, the assured income payouts will be paid as scheduled at the start of each year after the end of the policy term during the Benefit Payout Period. However, the policyholder can also opt to receive the maturity benefit in lump sum at the time of proposal. The Lump sum Payout is same as Maturity Sum Assured. The policyholder can change the option to receive the maturity benefit any time during the policy term, but preferably at least three months before the date of maturity. If the life assured dies after commencement of the assured income, the outstanding assured income payouts will continue as scheduled to the nominee(s) or beneficiary(ies).
Additional Rider Benefits
At an additional cost, you can extend benefits beyond the term and get coverage against terminal illnesses, accidents, and permanent disabilities.