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FAQ's reltaed to Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan
What is the free-look period?
After you buy your policy, you get 15 days to go through the terms and conditions of this policy. If you disagree with any of the terms and conditions, then you can return the policy by stating your reasons. This period of 15 days is known as the free-look period.
What will happen if I return the Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan within the free-look period?
If you return your Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan within the free-look period, then the cancellation of your policy will be processed and your premium will be refunded within 15 days from the date of receipt of the cancellation request.
What if there is a delay in the settlement of the refund for the Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan cancelled during the free look cancellation period?
If there is a delay in settlement of the refund for the Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan cancelled during the free look cancellation period, then the company will pay the penal interest at the rate of 2% above the current bank rate.
What are the Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan reviews?
Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan has been reviewed as one of the group life insurance policies by the policy holders having an employer-employee relationship. It comes with affordable premiums, long life cover and low minimum member requirements.
When will my Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan lapse?
As Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan is a single premium payment policy that shall be renewed each year, it cannot lapse due to non-payment of premium.
What if there is a delay in claim settlement under Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan?
If there is a delay in claim settlement under the Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan, then we will pay interest at a rate of 2% above the current bank rate from the date of receipt of the last necessary document.
Whether any interest will be paid for exits during the financial year?
An interim interest rate shall be declared by the company for exits during the financial year.
How will the interest be dealt with under the Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan?
The accrued interest under the Shriram Life Group Superannuation Plan will be credited at the end of every financial year and it will form part of the principal at the beginning of the next financial year.