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Shriram Life Growth Plus Premium Components
The premium components of Shriram Life Growth Plus are:
In case of the demise of the policyholder life insurance coverage provides financial protection. For this, you have to make regular premium payments. A portion of it goes towards life insurance.
Savings earn you benefits that you can have after maturity. It can be in the form of a lump sum or in instalments.
Shriram Accidental Death & Disability Rider
In the event of an accident or the life assured becoming totally or permanently disabled due to an accident during the policy tenure, the assured will be paid the rider sum.
Shriram Accidental Death & Disability Income Rider
The rider is paid 1% of the rider sum every month if the life assured becomes totally and permanently disabled due to an accident before the end of the rider term.
Shriram Critical Illness Care Rider
The rider provides protection against a set of pre-defined critical illnesses to the life assured.