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FAQ's for Shriram Life Sunishchit Laabh
What is a Non - Participating Plan? Is Sunishchit Laabh a Non - Participating plan?
Unlike a Participating plan, in a Non-Participating plan or a Non-par plan, the policyholder does not receive any bonuses and does not participate in the profits of the insurance company. However, Non-Par plans provide guaranteed benefits on Maturity. Yes, Sunishchit Laabh is a Non-Par plan
What benefits do we get in case we surrender the policy?and when do policy attain surrender value
On surrendering the policy you will receive the highest of the following; a percentage of total premiums paid i.e. Guaranteed surrender value (GSV) OR Special Surrender Value (SSV). Policy acquires surrender value after paying atleast 1 year premium
Is suicide covered by this policy?
Yes. But in case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the date of commencement of risk under the policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as applicable, the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled to 80% of the total premiums paid till the date of death or the surrender value available as on the date of death whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force.
Can we revive the paid-up policy, and what is the maximum period to revive the policy?
Yes, the Lapsed or Paid-up policies can be revived within 5 years from the date of the first unpaid premium as per the board-approved underwriting policy, all the outstanding premiums are paid together with interest payable as applicable.
What are the maturity income payout periods available?
10 to 40 yrs (in multiples of 5 yrs)
choice to receive maturity benefit income up to a maximum age of 101 yrs
What are the benefits paid under the plan?
The following benefits are paid in this plan;
Death Benefit
In case of death of the life assured during the Policy Term, provided all the premiums till the date of death are paid, "Death Sum Assured" will be paid. The Death Benefit will be paid as per Life/Life Plus options chosen by the policyholder at the time of inception of the policy.
In case of death of the life assured after the policy term, provided all the premiums till the date of death are paid, guaranteed income along with the loyalty additions are continued to be paid to the nominee/beneficiary for choosen maturity income payout option. However, under life plus option nominee has the option to take death benefit as lump sum amount at discounted value of all the future benefit payouts.
Maturity Benefit
In case of Survival of the life assured till the end of the Policy Term, provided all premiums are paid maturity benefit will be paid according to chosen maturity payout option either income plus or income pro option over the selected payout period. maturity benefit payout is defined as guaranteed maturity income along with loyalty additions. If you opt to receive the Income Plus or Income Pro maturity benefit as
a lump sum, the total benefit payable will be paid in a lump sum on or
after the date of maturity. Upon payment of the maturity benefit, the
policy is terminated.
Define Death benefit for life and life plus options?
In case of death of the life assured during the Policy Term, provided all the premiums till the date of death are paid, "Death Sum Assured" (DSA)will be paid.
Life option: DSA is paid immediately in lump sum and policy is terminated
Life Plus option: DSA will be paid in monthly instalments if all due premiums have
been paid. After the policy term ends, the Guaranteed Maturity
Income will continue to be paid, along with Loyalty Additions,
under the Income Plus or Income Pro (with return of premium)
options . The policy will be terminated after payment of last
maturity benefit. If death occurs during premium payment,
remaining premiums will be waived.
However, under life plus option nominee has the option to take death benefit as lump sum amount at discounted value of all the future benefit payouts.
In case of death of the life assured after the policy term, provided all the premiums till the date of death are paid, guaranteed income along with the loyalty additions are continued to be paid to the nominee/beneficiary for choosen maturity income payout option.
DSA is highest of;
10/7 times AP
105% of TPP till date of death
SV on date of death
Define Maturity benefit?
Maturity benefit will be paid out according to the chosen maturity benefit payout option - either the Income Plus option or the Income Pro option - over the selected payout period. “Maturity benefit pay out” is defined as guaranteed maturity income along with Loyalty additions.
Guaranteed maturity income = Maturity income factor*Annualised premium
Can we change the income payout option during the Policy Term ?
No, there is no option to change the income payout option during the Policy Term.
What are the cover options available? Can we alter the cover options during the policy term?
Life and Life plus are 2 cover options available under the policy.
Life : Death Benefit is paid to your family in lump sum
immediately in case anything unfortunate happens to you during the policy term
Life Plus: This option entitles your family to receive the death sum assured in
equal monthly instalments, starting at the end of the month of death
and continuing until the end of the policy term. Upon death during the
policy term, the policy will continue as an in-force policy with a waiver
of the future premiums. The guaranteed maturity benefit due after the
end of the policy term, along with loyalty additions due, will also be
payable to your family until the end of the chosen pay-out period.
Change of the life cover option is not allowed during the policy term.
Can we take the maturity income benefit in lump sum?
If you opt to receive the Income Plus or Income Pro maturity benefit as a lump sum, the total benefit payable will be paid in a lump sum on or after the date of maturity. Upon payment of the maturity benefit, the policy will terminate. The lump sum benefit shall be determined by discounting the Income benefit pay-outs and Return of total premiums paid (if income pro option is chosen) at an 8.5% rate.
If the Life Assured dies after the commencement of income, can the nominee receive the income until the end of the income payout period?
In case of death of life assured after the policy term, provided all the due premiums till the date of death have been paid, the Guaranteed Maturity Income along with the Loyalty Additions will continue to be paid to the nominee/beneficiary for the chosen maturity income payout term, under both the Life and Life Plus options.
What are Loyalty additions? How do they benefit the policyholder?
Loyalty additions as a percentage of annualised premium shall be added to the “Guaranteed maturity income” for Income Plus and Income Pro maturity benefit options. Loyalty addition is
applicable to all policies, whether in fully paid-up status or reduced
paid-up status, at the end of the policy term. Loyalty additions are accrued on maturity.
What all additional features do plan offer to the policyholder?
Plan offers following additional benefits to the policyholder;
High premium incentive - For high premium policies, the Maturity factor shall be increased by
adding with the percentage of premium
Female life incentive - All females are eligible to receive a higher maturity benefit payout by adding a percentage of premium
compared to a similar male life.
Auto debit booster - For each payment through NACH mode, policyholders will be eligible to
receive 1% of premium as the discount.
Can we receive the Maturity Income Benefit other than yearly mode?
Yes, the policyholder can also receive the maturity Income Benefit in half-yearly,quarterly and monthly modes.
What are the alterations allowed under the plan?
Extension or reduction of policy term and premium payment term is allowed under specified limits
Mode of premium (NACH and non-NACH and vice versa)
Frequency of premium payment and maturity benefit payout
I am a 30 years old. I need a financial plan to provide me a regular income. I also need an insurance plan to protect my family in case of my death. What should I do?
You can choose the Income Pro maturity Income benefit option with life plus option, where you start receiving the income from the end of the Policy term until end of payout period less 1 year and total premiums paid is returned as last maturity payout. In case of death during the Policy Term,DSA will be paid in monthly instalments, after the policy term ends guaranteed income will be paid along with the loyalty additions.if death occurs during premium payment term all the future premiums are waived off. so that your family need not take the burden of paying the premiums in your absence.
I Just started my career, going forward I want a secondary source of income that help in fulfilling my financial goals. Will Sunishchit Laabh Plan help me achieve it?
Yes, you can take Sunishchit Laabh Plan with Life cover and income plus option. You will receive regular income starting from end of the policy term until the end of the income Payout period , which help in fulfilling your financial goals or can act as a cushion to meet your expenses during financially difficult times.
I am near to retirement in my career, How will this plan help me in the future?
You can choose the Income Pro maturity Income benefit option with life plus option, where you start receiving the income from the end of the Policy term until end of payout period less 1 year and total premiums paid is returned as last maturity payout. In case of death during the Policy Term,DSA will be paid in monthly instalments, after the policy term ends guaranteed income will be paid along with the loyalty additions.if death occurs during premium payment term all the future premiums are waived off. so that your family need not take the burden of paying the premiums in your absence.
the income payouts help in managing the recurring expenses.